Properties and healing effects of humic acid
Humic acid is a solid substance that is completely water soluble. The difference between fulvic acid and humic acid is that humic acid is bound to minerals and metals. Much research has been done into the healing effects of humic acid on animals. Positive effects are noticeable within as little as two weeks of the use of humic acid.
  • Effects on animals:

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    Firmer manure from piglets and calves with stress

  • null

    Optimization of feed conversion with cow, pigs and chicken

  • null

    Reduced acidity in milk

  • null

    Improved LM meat quality of pigs, redder meat and a less thick layer of back fat

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    Less stench from manure and reduction of ammonia emission

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    Binds mycotoxins

  • Effects on the soil:

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    Humic is a binding agent for nutrients in the soil

  • null

    Improves the uptake of nutrients in the soil like phosphorus, sulphur and carbon dioxide

  • null

    Reduces the need for carbon dioxide

  • null

    Stimulates biological activities

  • null

    Minerals are soluble in humic acid

  • null

    Improves the quality of the soil structure

  • Effects on plants:

  • null

    Accelerates rate of growth of plants and enhancement of the growth of plants

  • null

    Uptake of nitrogen and nutrients is enhanced so that metabolism is promoted and plants grow faster

  • null

    Stikstof- en voedingsstofopname wordt vergroot, waardoor de stofwisseling bevorderd wordt en een plant sneller zal groeien

  • null

    Reduces the risk of disease

Properties and healing effects of fulvic acid
Fulvic acid is a very small molecule that is disolved in water. Pure fulvic acid is unbound, meaning that it has no minerals and metals bound to it. Due to the unbound state of the molecule, fulvic acid is an excellent transporter of minerals, vitamins, metals and trace elements. Fulvic acid absorbs nutrients and releases them within the cell. In the cell they absorb the heavy metals and remove these from the body.
  • Effects:

  • null

    Improves nutrient absorption

  • null

    Removes heavy metals

In addition to the above effects, humic acid and fulvic acid also have a large number of other positive effects such as the inhibition of bacterial growth, antiviral properties, reduction of mycotoxin levels, stimulation of the immune system, stress reduction and improved intestinal health.