Positive effects with the addition of PrimeHumic to the feed of your young cattle:
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    Positive effect on the development of the intestinal structure

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    Reduction in use of antibiotics

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    Improved absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals

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    Less diarrhea

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    Faster recovery

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    Lower overall infection pressure

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    Improves the overall health of your calves

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    Protection of the intestines against harmful influences

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    Less trouble with crypto

PrimeHumic promotes the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and and minerals. Keep your young cattle healthy and strong!

A healthy start for your young cattle has a lot of influence on age, health and the production of milk. BioAg Europe conducts long-term research into dairy cattle and we have seen very positive results through the use of PrimeHumic.
By using PrimeHumic you will get multiple financial benefits, such as reduced use of antibiotics and improved gut health
  • Higher revenues through:

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    Longer lifespan of your dairy cattle, therefore less young cattle
  • Fewer costs due to:

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    Reduced use of antibiotics
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    Annual decrease of about 8% in investments in breeding young cattle
  • Health benefits:

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    Improved quality of manure
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    Better resistance against heat
Solution for crypto in young cattle
On a farm with dairy cattle, where there were regular problems with Cryptosporidium infections, PrimeHumic in liquid form was used in half of the calves (mixed through the colostrum/milk). After this, not a single case of diarrhea was observed in the PrimeHumic group. The dairy farmers were therefore enthusiastic.
The cost for 14 days is € 2.30 per calf!
What others say about PrimeHumic for young cattle
Since November 2019, we have been using PrimeHumic Liquid to combat Crypto in our youngest calves. Our experience is very positive with the correct use of the product. For example, it is important to add the product directly to the first feed. I use the product for the first 12 days of the calf’s life.

I have now treated around 20 calves with the product; these calves were more energetic and the dropout rate is 0%. Previously we had a lot of deaths from Crypto.

It is important to use the product directly with the first feed. Furthermore, it is not a panacea but just a supportive tool. The hygiene around calf rearing is just as important.

I do consider this product adds value in young stock rearing.

– Dairy farmer from Dedemsvaart (The Netherlands) with 100 dairy cows

The products had been used up for 14 days. Due to time pressure for our company, what with upcoming construction plans, I was late in repurchasing. In that period I saw more cases of calves with diarrhea.

Jeroen from Merksplas (Belgium) with young stock

Our impression was that she drank more easily the first few days, after which little difference was noticeable. The growth of the calves was good and they generally did well with the PrimeHumic.

– Patrick from Tilligte (The Netherlands), dairy farmer

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    Our products for farm animals have an FCA certificate